Syed Muhammad Rafay
2 min readApr 18, 2021


You must be confused after reading the title of today’s blog. Don’t Worry! This blog contains a chunk of tips that will make you a pro time saver.

I’ll use my routine as an example to show you how I got rid of procrastination (Frog) that keeps me away from the responsibilities and my desire of being the Most Valuable Team Player in society.

I used to get distracted with every single change around me, whenever a bee moves around, looking at the decoration pieces, Someone walks by my side, a random voice that I hear loses my interest. Mobile phones and daydreaming added more spices to this problem leaving me with guilt and regret.

Doing 3 project works of Amal Academy with procrastination was not that easy. Thanks to Amal they introduced an online course on Productivity and Time Management this week. I quickly attended the course and took part in reflection questions which I think is one of the best learning experiences to date. I don’t want to leave you with suspense, so quickly get towards what was the course that makes you a Time saver.

The Pomodoro Technique

“The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a Pomodoro, from the Italian word for ‘tomato’, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student.” Source Wikipedia.

After going through the course I decided to instantly Amal on what learned. I set my timer to 4 cycles each of 25 minutes and quickly started course 2 by Amal Academy Creating a #superhero resume that stands out.

Following were the distractions I faced while practicing Pomodoro:

  1. My inside trying to convince me to check WhatsApp/Instagram/Facebook statuses.
  2. My brother asking me about cricket insights.
  3. Drilling work in neighborhood apartment.
  4. Thoughts of other pending tasks.

I knew it was not an easy task to practice this technique. So, I googled “Tips to avoid Distraction” and made myself prepared before starting the course. I find this strategy very effective. This image is an example of how you can avoid distractions around.

So, next time you start working on a project, don’t forget to eat the frog distracting you. Otherwise, it will eat you ;)