Positive Reflection on Amal Journey !

Syed Muhammad Rafay
2 min readJun 4, 2021


My Amal journey has been amazing, these three months were full of learning, fun and building traits of MVTP. There have been many events during the fellowship that have had a profound effect on me but I will discuss one of them.

It is the moment when we had to go out on a city tour for our Mega Project. Since we had to build a pets’ website, we visited the market to buy the pets’ stuff at the lowest available price so that we could list it for sale on our website. And another task, we had intended to complete was to buy the pipes and joints to fabricate the food meal points and finally to install them at some appropriate location.

All this seemed to be a lengthy and hectic task and according to me it would take a couple of days to complete. But Qudoos to my team mates Abdus Sami and Ammar, that we were able to accomplish all of them efficiently in a day. This day had a profound effect on me as I witnessed how teamwork , proper prior planning, ‘the will to do the tasks’ and positive energy can make us so productive.

When we work in a team, we are utilizing many brains and different talents for a single cause and that’s the key to success. My energy was low at the start of the day but when I saw my teammates fully charged and motivated the positive vibes transmitted into me, which would have never happened if I was working alone. Secondly, I observed and learned from communication skills of Ammar, the way he conveyed to the shopkeepers what we want and the way he bargained, from A.Sami I learned to be stay calm even when we have loads of work and to keep using our brains in order to find a way to achieve our ultimate goal.

For me, this realization was only possible because I observed others and worked in a team. I intend to use my learning in future as well. Communication and persuasive skills will surely help me to speak and present better in my job. The quality of being calm is going to help me in any unfavorable circumstances I face in my life.

