Visualizing My Experience at Amal..

Syed Muhammad Rafay
3 min readJun 11, 2021


When I reflect on my Amal journey I can relate the first two weeks at Amal to one of my friends, Hasan. The reason for doing so are the qualities and principles of Amal that are found in him.

The first thing about Amal that impressed me is their discipline and organizational capabilities. When I first heard in the induction interview that we will be dealing with many different platforms zoom, teachable, Google classroom, medium, it seemed so hectic but as we got our first PW, it had a very detailed and clear instructions about the courses, activities, scoring system and the permalinks that directs us to the online course on teachable, I was like WoW. kudos to their curriculum team, the exact same quality of keeping the things organized are found in my friend Hasan as he keeps all his data, documents, university assignments, books in separate folders on Google drive.

In our first week we had the course on Teamwork which is one of my most favorite courses after the Passenger Series. In the course I learned the traits of MVTP and the importance of constructive feedback in one’s progress, since then I have been trying my best to implement these learnings in my life. Hasan is a great leader as well, I witnessed it during our Final Year Project at university when he takes the lead and motivates us and tries to problem solve whenever we face any hard time and the MVTP traits of “over communicate” and “clarifying expectations” are being practiced by him. Similarly I can relate my learning of giving and receiving constructive feedback to him, we always give constructive feedback to each other whether it be during the presentation or composing the emails, reports, resume or in any general discussion about life and career.

One of the very useful activities we had to do in our second PW was to write our SMART goals. This assignment changed the way I looked at things, especially my perceptions of career, passion and wealth creation. I am very grateful to Amal Academy for keeping this excellent activity. Otherwise I would be spending many more years of my life aimlessly. Hasan helped me in devising my goals as he is in the same field of study and both of us have an inclination towards doing business in the near future.

Our Amal journey is about to end in a week, this makes me downhearted but I am glad to gather a lot of beautiful memories, new friends and most importantly, ‘life learnings’. In this journey I discovered that there is a big number of professions a person can adopt other than his field of graduation, what I discovered about myself is that I am interested in the field of marketing and public speaking and would surely work and learn more about them besides my engineering career.

